A black and white photo captures an intense Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training session with one practitioner in a black rash guard and white pants on his back executing a guard while the other in a black rash guard and shorts works to pass.

Common mistakes when washing BJJ gear and how to avoid them

Did you know improper washing of your jiujitsu gear can significantly impact its lifespan and hygiene? In this blog post, we'll delve into the common mistakes people make when cleaning their BJJ gear and, more importantly, how to avoid these blunders. Your gear's longevity and your health on the mats depend on it.

Key Details

Washing BJJ gear is not just about aesthetics; it's about cleanliness and safety. This physically demanding sport requires you to clean your kimono (gi), rash guards, and belts (Yes, even your belts!). Over the years, BJJ practitioners have adopted various methods and techniques for keeping their gear fresh and functional.

  • Neglecting prompt washing: Do not leave your sweaty gear festering in a bag, leading to unpleasant odours and rapid wear and tear.
  • Using harsh detergents: Over time, harsh detergents can damage the fabric and affect the gear's lifespan.
  • Hot water and high heat: Excessive heat can shrink your gi and weaken its fibres.
  • Ignoring special care for belts: Belts symbolise progress, and improper cleaning can be seen as a sign of disrespect in BJJ culture.

Do I need to wash my belt? 

Yes, you should. Belts can harbour bacteria, just like your gi. Keeping them clean maintains hygiene and respect for tradition. No, the souls of the people you've wrist-locked won't go away. 

Why cleaning your gear matters.

Proper gear care is essential for every BJJ practitioner, from white to black belts. If gear isn't cleaned correctly, infections like ringworm and staph can spread, and no one wants to be THAT person who brings them into the gym.

Hot tips

  • Wash your gear immediately after training to prevent odour and bacterial growth.
  • Use a gentle, hypoallergenic detergent suitable for sports gear, with a cap or two of Fresh Rolls additive.
  • Wash in cold water to preserve fabric integrity.
  • Hang your gear to dry (In the sun if possible!) instead of tumble drying.

As the buzzer rings. 

In conclusion, understanding the common mistakes in washing BJJ gear is crucial for any practitioner. Proper care not only ensures the longevity of your gear but also contributes to a healthier training environment. Remember, cleanliness is a form of respect in Brazilian jiujitsu. So, avoid these blunders and roll on!


Washing & Drying Gis: Jiu Jitsu Clothing Care 

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